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Thandeka Tutu-Gxashe

CEO, TutuDesks Campaign| Activist

Daughter of Nobel Peace Laureate

Archbishop Desmond Tutu

"It is with great pleasure and a feeling of immense gratitude that I write this letter of recommendation, both personally and on behalf of The Desmond Tutu TutuDesk Campaign, for Sarah Hamilton, a truly extraordinary human being that I have the privilege of now calling a colleague and also a special friend for life. I  would recommend Sarah highly, as she not only has a heart of enormous compassion, but also for her true grit, utter determination and deeply focused drive to work towards making the world a better place - for all its citizens. I can say with complete conviction that any organization will be a far better one for having Sarah working with them and benefiting from her solid work ethic, deep compassion and humanity .... the Desmond Tutu TutuDesk Campaign most certainly is."

Thandeka Tutu

Dawn Gifford Engle

"The Nobel Film Legacy Series in partnership with the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate-led nonprofit PeaceJam, commissioned Sarah to author and design our Official Film Study and Discussion Guides for the award-winning documentaries The Dalai Lama–Scientist, and Shirin Ebadi: Until We Are Free. We were thrilled to partner with Sarah. Her quality of work, professionalism and commitment to make a difference is outstanding. We have tremendous, love, respect and gratitude for her partnership. We are proud to recommend Sarah to others.”

Dawn Engle
Dalai Lama and Alfred Nobel

His Holiness
the 14th Dalia Lama

Nobel Peace Laureate

"Sarah, His Holiness has directed me to thank you profusely for your pivotal role in making the award winning documentary, The Dalai Lama Scientist, especially for the Official Guide for Study and Discussion. He thought that the film was in line with his efforts to be the bridge between modern science and Buddhist science. His Holiness send his prayers and good wishes."


Senior Spokesman and Private Secretary to Dalia Lama

DWOH emmy

Adam Baca

Emmy Winner & Co-Founder, Day Without Hate

Recipient of Nobel Peace Laureate's

"Global Call to Action Award"

“Collaborating with Sarah was invaluable. She championed our cause with community engagement, media exposure and consulted for us for strategic outcomes. She advocated for us at city and state levels resulting in her drafted National Day Without Hate Proclamations and a flag flown at the Colorado State Capital in honor of our work for peace and nonviolence. Her role as a Producer and Director for our short documentary resulted in 2 Telly Awards and an Emmy Award. I'm thankful for Sarah's expertise, dedication, kind heart, to make our student-led grassroots dreams become reality.”

Danita Mason Hogans

Civil Rights Historian & TEDx Speaker

Former Director of Documentary Studies Duke University

Consultant to Duke & UNC Social Impact Initiatives

"This country needs more active citizens like Sarah, and her principal and value to community based engagement. I'm thrilled to voice my highest support for her. Sarah's ability to encourage speakers to view their story through a lens of how they as citizens may contribute to society is a special gift few teachers have and Sarah has mastered. Sarah believes deeply in diversity, the sharing of stories that allows the listener an opportunity to open a new stream of awareness. She is committed to new narratives aimed at benefiting the community."

Danita Mason Hogans
James Jude Courtney at Halloween preimer

James Jude Courtney

"Sarah is phenomenal to collaborate with.  If all of the world is a stage, we each have an opportunity to create a platform for change. Working with Sarah you can become a powerful agent for good, because she is a champion for those wanting to make a difference and the causes they support.  Sarah led me to expand my work offscreen to align with caused-related social impact projects and charitable causes. She has my full endorsement and you will benefit from her warm competence and ability to navigate diverse social impact platforms."

Sarah Marie

Ms. Colorado 2020

Anti-Bullying & Mental Health Advocate

"During my reign as Ms. Colorado, Sarah has completely transformed my social impact brand and expanded my media outreach immensely. Sarah advised collaborations for my platform of mental health awareness and advocacy. I'm so grateful for her brilliance in helping me increase my message, my reach, and expand my social impact projects. I recommend anyone who is seeking to make a difference, align strategically with nonprofits, expand your social impact reach, and gain positive public relations exposure, to work with Sarah."​

ms colorado sarah marie.jpg
brandi shigley


Former Mayor-Appointed Commissioner

for the Denver's Women's Commission

Nonprofit Founder

"As the former Mayor-Appointed Commissioner for the Denver Women's Commission, I have worked with a variety of leaders and Sarah is truly a respected expert leading the way for changemakers. Sarah has been a beacon of hope, guiding us as we began our nonprofit journey. The support and knowledge we gained working with her was amazing. We received comprehensive nonprofit internal policies, the ability to measure outcomes, and improve transparency. We achieved 2 awards through GuideStar and GreatNonprofits. We loved working with Sarah and so will you!"

Dr. Amy Wheeler, PhD

Professor of Kinesiology, California State University

Former U.S. Olympic Team & LA Lakers

Sport Psychology Consultant

"I worked with Sarah with great success. She directed us in the exploration of launching a nonprofit to determine if it was right for my company. Sarah initiated our strategic planning, led us in finding clarity about our mission and define our goals. She helped us achieve a realistic picture of what it entails to start and sustain a successful nonprofit. She provided us with invaluable insight and resources. The amount of service and attention to detail was nothing short of remarkable. I have only the highest recommendation and hope you will choose her to help you."​

Amy Wheeler Yoga
Ernie Clark Second Chance Bikes

Officer Ernie Clark

"I proudly recommend Sarah. Second Chance Bikes could not be where we are today without Sarah. She advocated for us at the city's Chamber of Commerce meetings with ease and gained support from elected officials to help provided donated space for our nonprofit.  Sarah guided us taking our passion from a project to a nonprofit. Sarah's nonprofit compliance fundraising, and advocacy expertise helped us expand our reach to serve low-income, homeless, and at-risk youth and continue our mission."


Nichelle Sublett

Mrs. North Carolina 2018

Health Advocate & TEDx Speaker

"Sarah kept me on track during the TEDx entire process. She is a highly knowledgeable and organized producer. From start to finish, everything went so smoothly working and we could not have done it without Sarah's expertise. I hope to work with Sarah again and now consider her a friend and mentor."

Mrs. North Carolina Nichelle Sublett TEDx

Katie Hilborn

CEO & Founder Global Orphan Prevention

Anthem Award Millennial Changemaker of the Year

"Global Orphan Prevention found a valuable partner and resource for our nonprofit's growth with Sarah. She helped us expand our programmatic vision, track outcomes, created our first annual report, consulted on developing our operational policies and procedures, increased our media exposure, ultimately increasing our GuideStar status. Sarah helped us gained both knowledge and tools for growth that supported our nonprofit mission. I recommend your organization partner with her for effective mission-driven outcomes."

Katie Hilborn
sammy shoesbox moses dj

Sammy Tagget
"Shoebox Moses"

"If in fact you are the product of your 5 closest people to you, then I feel pretty blessed to have met and worked with Sarah. She was instrumental in guiding us through the nonprofit start up process forming our foundation. From guiding us how to draft our policies and procedures, operate effective board meetings, and providing us with education for nonprofit compliance, we were able to launch our charity with confidence. Through her public relations campaigns, I was featured in FORBES, which is an entrepreneur's dream."


Nick Rodriguiez

Nick Rodriguez

Board Member | Advisor

Africa: Kibera Community Empowerment Org

"Sarah is at the very top of my list of professionals that I would recommend for nonprofits initiatives. As a nonprofit co-founder & board member for NGOs in the U.S. and in Africa, I was nothing but impressed working with Sarah. She provided consulting for me on multiple nonprofit initiatives in Africa and Colorado. Sarah's expertise helped launch our community based initiatives to the next level.  Sarah is both competent and kind -a wonderful colleague to have on your team."

Alexandra (Al) Wiener

Co-Founder, Open Labs

Diversity & Equity at Harvard

"We were impressed working with Sarah and knew we were in trusted hands. Her instruction throughout the nonprofit start up process steps to be in compliance with state regulations made it clear and simple. Not only were we able to register as a nonprofit and secure a fiscal sponsor, we were able to clearly identify partners and plan our strategic growth. Because of our work together, we  fulfilled our mission with confidence and we are grateful to have partnered with her."

Al Wiener
jeff salzenstein

Jeff Salzenstein

"Sarah was excellent at strategically connecting me with cause-related platforms through vetted nonprofits. She developed a strategic social impact campaign that was aligned with my vision and values. Sarah provided me the capacity to expand my philanthropic efforts and make a difference. She is fantastic to work with and I would recommend her without hesitation."

Theresa Byrne

 TEDxSpeaker | Nonprofit Founder

Former Spike TV & ABC Family TV Host

“Sarah stands out as a trusted community engagement and social impact leader. Sarah is an articulate champion of nonprofits. Our work together for over 8 years has been significant. I've worked with Sarah first as a corporate sponsor for a nonprofit she led, then selected her as a npo consultant for my organization, and later she was a Producer for TEDx Talks. Sarah is an empathetic, effective and respected  social impact expert. I recommend Sarah to anyone with a desire to make a difference."

Theresa Byrne
Bryce Ballew

Bryce Ballew

Former Chairman Children's Foundation Polo Classic

CEO, Tradecraft Industries

“As the former Chairman of Denver Children's Foundation's Polo Classic, the nations largest charitable polo event, I can testify that Sarah is respected in the community for her nonprofit and social impact expertise. I consulted with Sarah when Tradecraft explored how a nonprofit could complement our business. From analysis, design & development, Sarah led us through the process and provided a blueprint so our team could effectively evaluate if constructing a nonprofit would be the best road for our philanthropic endeavors."

Zak Ferry

Executive Director, The Lion Project

"Working with Sarah has been an incredible experience and rewarding. She has the unique ability to see the vision of the potential of your story and the remarkable ability to string words together to bring it to life. Her public relations and social media campaign increased our philanthropy's public awareness, and resulted in a feature on NBC and advanced our nonprofit the opportunities for expanding our media presence through print and television interviews."

Zak Feery CEO Lion's Project
kelly hunter
Kelly Hunter

Kelly Hunter

Executive Director, A Lotta Love

"Sarah's input on how to grow and stabilize our nonprofit was a huge help. Her experience in operations helped us better organize our long-term planning. By putting us in touch with philanthropic partners we expanded our donor base and her connection with a local corporation allowed us to complete a large kitchen renovation for a domestic violence shelter well under-budget. We're grateful to Sarah for sharing her insight and expertise. We also just thoroughly enjoy her company."

Randi Emerman

Executive Director, Filmfest919

"Many thanks to our friend Sarah Hamilton! Sarah's work with us as we launched our inaugural year gained us statewide exposure and recognition from the Governor. Sarah secured Governor Cooper's support by advocating the importance arts and film play in our state and local economies. She drafted the Arts and Humanities Month Proclamation which became official for North Carolina. Sarah advocated for statewide support for Filmfest919 and secured the Governor's support through a Governor's welcome letter for our festival program and cabinet members attending the event. Sarah presented the Proclamation at Filmfest919 to Elton John's manager, Ray Williams (pictured), honoring his work in the arts. Sarah also connected us with local nonprofits so we could give back to our community. We could not be more pleased with our collaboration together."

Ray William Randi Emerman
Lotje Sodderland at Emmys

Lotje Sodderland

Director, Limbo

Emmy nominee My Beautiful Broken Brain

"Our dream team at our headquarters got even dreamier with a phenomenal pledge by the inspiring Sarah Hamilton who joined us as an executive producer for Limbo."

Ramona Moore Big Eagle

"With the Holy Spirit and Sarah on your side - you can not fail! Sarah championed all of our TEDx Speakers to authentically speak and use this platform for good. Working with her you will find she is warm, competent,  an excellent leader, and wonderful team collaborator.  She is a blessing to know and work with."

Ramona Moore Big Eagle
Nathan Clendenin tedx 10x emmy

Nathan Clendenin

"Sarah was a pleasure to work with during the entire process of the TEDx Talk production. With each interaction, I was more and more impressed with her vision for the entire event. I felt supported and encouraged along the way. With all the many questions that come up in doing a TED talk, her willingness to find a specific answer to questions exemplified her heart of service and excellence. Through the course of the months of preparations, I felt I had gained a friend and an ally."

Sandra Wilcox Conway

"I worked with Sarah on several social impact projects, including initiatives for Duke and University of North Carolina, and I cannot recommend her more highly.  Sarah has a unique combination of experience, insight and an ability to produce wonderful work. She quickly grasps complex social problems with empathy and facilitates solutions to reach a shared goal. She is adept at leading and following, and in spite of all her great accomplishments, she is eager and humble in her commitment to any task that will help the team."

conway & associates

Dr. Tait Keller, Phd

"Sarah's character, accolades, academic and professional experience made her an ideal leader to represent the United States in nonprofit and social impact collaborations as a U.S. Fulbright Specialist Colleague. Additionally, her work for with initiatives led by Nobel Peace Laureates speaks to her abilities and respect as an expert in the social impact field."

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