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Sarah Marie Ms Colorado



​Ms. Colorado Sarah Marie 2020, first won Ms. Denver in 2019 before winning the state pageant and becoming crowned

Ms. Colorado in 2020, where she made it to the top 6 finalist at the National Pageant in Vegas. Sarah Marie is an advocate for health and an ambassador for the nonprofits Day Without Hate and The Lion's Project, both organization that provide mental health advocacy and awareness.


  • Social Impact Campaigns

  • Charitable Appearances

  • Mission-Based Public Relations Print and Television

  • Advocacy at City of Denver and State of Colorado

Sarah Marie

Ms. Colorado 2020

Anti-Bullying & Mental Health Advocate

"During my reign as Ms. Colorado, Sarah has completely transformed my social impact brand and expanded my media outreach immensely. Sarah advised collaborations for my platform of mental health awareness and advocacy. I'm so grateful for her brilliance in helping me increase my message, my reach, and expand my social impact projects. I recommend anyone who is seeking to make a difference, align strategically with nonprofits, expand your social impact reach, and gain positive public relations exposure to work with Sarah."​

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